(CS100 / CS150)
1) Introduction: Logical Organization of Computer, Stored program concept. [1H]
2) Programming Process: Life Cycle of a Software Project, Importance of adhering to Standards, Using Algorithms to Solve Problems, Different Patterns in Algorithms, Flow Charts. [4 H]
3) Introduction to C Language: Structure of a C program with example, Character Set, C Tokens, Data types, Arithmetic operators, Expressions – Evaluation of an expression, Assignment statements – increment and decrement operators, compound assignment operators, Nested assignments, Simple Input and output, Type conversions, Simple Macros. [6 H]
4) Selective Structure: Relational Operators, Logical operators, Bitwise Operators Conditional Statement, Nested conditional statement, Multi-way conditional statement, Constant Multi-way conditional Statement, (switch statement), break statement, go to statement, The ? operator. [4 H]
5) Repetitive structure: While, do – while, for, nested loops, loop interruption – break and continue, null statement, comma operator. [4 H]
6) Arrays: One Dimensional arrays- declaration and initialization, Two Dimensional arrays - declaration and initialization. Arrays as function arguments. [6 H]
7) Functions: To understand the need to use functions, the advantages of functions, Function definition, function call, function prototypes, storage classes, Parameter passing techniques, arrays as function arguments. [5 H]
8) Pointers and Strings: Introduction to pointers, how to declare pointers, how to access values through pointers, Pointer arithmetic, the relationship between arrays and pointers. Array of pointers, Command line arguments Declaration and initialization of strings, the memory representation of strings, pointers and strings, various string functions: strlen (), strcat(), strcpy(), strcmp(); parameter passing techniques. [12 H]
9) Structures and Unions: Basics of structures, Structures and arrays, Basics of Unions. [6 H]
1) Programming in ANSI C by E Balagrusamy, TMH third Edition
2) The programming languages C by
Brian W. Kernighan & Dennis M. Ritchie, 2nd Edition PHI 2004
3) How to solve it by computer by Dromey R. G, PHI 2001
4) The Practice of Programming by
Brain W. Kernighan and Rob Pike, PEI 2004